[Download 26+] Jenis Antena Radio Rig
Download Images Library Photos and Pictures. Facebook Group – EFHW Antennas Steve Ellington N4LQ started up a group on Facebook called End Fed Half Wave Antennas. The purpose of this group is to explore the use of an end fed half wave a… Real-World Amateur Radio: 4:1 Current ('Guanella') Balun - Made Simple. RF field strength meter | Electronics Repair And Technology News
. Antenna HF bultibanda DELTA LOOP balun rg59 75 Ohm i6ibe CANNA DA PESCA, simple wire antenna that work
simple wire antenna that work
Build a multi-band vertical antenna for HF
Six to one balun for 300ohm to 50ohm
A Balun (Balanced-to-Unbalanced transformer) to connect a (balanced) Dipole Aerial to an unbalanced Coax input of a Receiver, or output from a transmitter.
Facebook Group – EFHW Antennas Steve Ellington N4LQ started up a group on Facebook called End Fed Half Wave Antennas. The purpose of this group is to explore the use of an end fed half wave a…
This is a 200 Watt PEP step up transformer for end fed full and half wave antennas without radials, designed as a 200 Watt PEP u...
Build a multi-band vertical antenna for HF
10sd156 Leon Guanajuato Mexico: BALUN 4:1, 9:1 Y 16:1
Image result for Homebrew Nvis Antenna
RF field strength meter | Electronics Repair And Technology News
________________________________________________________ L'antenna LONG WIRE (o beverage) è una antenna funzionale, economica e facile da realizzare, ideale per chi si interessa alle trasmissioni in HF (onde corte). La constuzione di una Long Wire e' abbastanza semplice e veloce, infatti l'antenna e' costituita principalmente da un LUNGO FILO (...) lungo più o meno dai 10 ai 50 metri con la sola aggiunta di un adattatore sulla linea di discesa verso il TRX. L'antenna forma...
Photo 1 9:1 voltage unun assembled.
Antenna HF bultibanda DELTA LOOP balun rg59 75 Ohm i6ibe
VR2XMQ - Steve's Blog AF through SHF
Real-World Amateur Radio: 4:1 Current ('Guanella') Balun - Made Simple.
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